Updated deb packages, or a hard list of git requirements?

I just have a question regarding my situation for updating/installing Dradis. I had to use the Dradis 3.0 RC3 deb package to install, because I can’t use bundle to download as I’m intending to use Dradis on an airgapped network. I found out pretty quickly that export and upload don’t work and that the fix is using the git release, but I wanted to know if an RC4 package with the fixes was planned for any time soon.

If not, I wanted to ask if anyone had a list of the dependencies that the bundle command was trying to download.

Hi @sininspira, since we don’t provide .deb files I’ll assume you mean the .zip files we provide for Linux / OSX.

You can create your own from the git repo, checkout the ./packaging directory:

The command will be:

rake package:linux:x86_64

Hope this helps,

Thanks, I’ll try that.

I did start messing with the git release to make a VM to copy over, and followed the instructions. But when I got to “bundle install”, it said it couldn’t connect to github to download the snowcrash theme and fails out. I tried the line of code without the bundle install (just the git clone) and I got the same error. Interestingly enough, I changed git://github.com to https://github.com and cloning it worked for me.