I try to import a csv from qualys but the import fails
[14:08:05] Small attachment detected. Processing in line.
[14:08:05] Parsing Qualys output file…
[14:08:05] Done.
[14:08:05] There was a fatal error processing your upload:
[14:08:05] undefined method `name’ for nil:NilClass
[14:08:05] Worker process completed.
Does somebody have the qualys import working? Or is there a way to debug this issue?
When I execute the “thor dradis:plugins:qualys:upload”, the command is unavailable;
[staf@creja dradisframework]$ bundle exec thor dradis:plugins:qualys:upload
Could not find command “dradis:plugins:qualys:upload”.
[staf@creja dradisframework]$
[staf@creja dradisframework]$ bundle exec thor list
thor dradis:backup # creates a backup of your current repository
thor dradis:export:word # export the current repository structure as a Word report
thor dradis:import:msf:all # Import the hosts, sevices, notes, etc from Metasploit
thor dradis:import:osvdb:lookup ID # search the OSVDB for a specific ID
thor dradis:import:osvdb:search QUERY # search the OSVDB with a general query
thor dradis:reset # resets your local dradis repository
thor dradis:reset:attachments # removes all attachments
thor dradis:reset:database # removes all data from a dradis repository, except configurations
thor dradis:reset:logs # removes all log files
thor dradis:reset:password # Set a new shared password to access the web interface
thor dradis:server # start dradis server
thor dradis:settings [NAMESPACE] # list dradis settings, with an optional namespace to filter the results
thor dradis:settings:get SETTING # get the value of a dradis setting
thor dradis:settings:set SETTING VALUE # change the value of a dradis setting
thor dradis:setup:configure # Creates the Dradis configuration files from their templates (see config/*.yml.template)
thor dradis:setup:migrate # ensures the database schema is up-to-date
thor dradis:setup:seed # adds initial values to the database (i.e., categories and configurations)
thor dradis:upload:nexpose FILE # upload NeXpose results
thor dradis:upload:nikto FILE # upload nikto results
thor dradis:upload:nmap FILE # upload the results of an Nmap scan
thor dradis:upload:openvas FILE # upload OpenVAS results
thor dradis:upload:retina FILE # upload Retina results
thor dradis:upload:surecheck FILE # Upload a SureCheck .sc file
thor dradis:upload:typhon FILE # upload typhon results
thor dradis:upload:w3af FILE # upload w3af results
thor dradis:upload:wxf FILE # upload wXf results
thor dradis:upload:zap FILE # upload ZAP results
thor dradis:version # displays the version of the dradis server
[staf@creja dradisframework]$
The qualys upload is also not available in the vendor/plusins directory
But it is available through the web interface, and It still fails after the git pull.
Are there extra steps required to install the commandline version?
thor dradis:backup # creates a backup of your current repository
thor dradis:export:word # export the current repository structure as a Word report
thor dradis:import:msf:all # Import the hosts, sevices, notes, etc from Metasploit
thor dradis:import:osvdb:lookup ID # search the OSVDB for a specific ID
thor dradis:import:osvdb:search QUERY # search the OSVDB with a general query
thor dradis:reset # resets your local dradis repository
thor dradis:reset:attachments # removes all attachments
thor dradis:reset:database # removes all data from a dradis repository, except configurations
thor dradis:reset:logs # removes all log files
thor dradis:reset:password # Set a new shared password to access the web interface
thor dradis:server # start dradis server
thor dradis:settings [NAMESPACE] # list dradis settings, with an optional namespace to filter the results
thor dradis:settings:get SETTING # get the value of a dradis setting
thor dradis:settings:set SETTING VALUE # change the value of a dradis setting
thor dradis:setup:configure # Creates the Dradis configuration files from their templates (see config/*.yml.template)
thor dradis:setup:migrate # ensures the database schema is up-to-date
thor dradis:setup:seed # adds initial values to the database (i.e., categories and configurations)
thor dradis:upload:nexpose FILE # upload NeXpose results
thor dradis:upload:nikto FILE # upload nikto results
thor dradis:upload:nmap FILE # upload the results of an Nmap scan
thor dradis:upload:openvas FILE # upload OpenVAS results
thor dradis:upload:retina FILE # upload Retina results
thor dradis:upload:surecheck FILE # Upload a SureCheck .sc file
thor dradis:upload:typhon FILE # upload typhon results
thor dradis:upload:w3af FILE # upload w3af results
thor dradis:upload:wxf FILE # upload wXf results
thor dradis:upload:zap FILE # upload ZAP results
thor dradis:version # displays the version of the dradis server
If the above lines are not commented, then, can you confirm you’ve got a section about dradis-qualys in your Gemfile.lock file? If not, try bundle install to install dependencies and check again.