I’m using github version of dradisframework. I have dradis running in production environment. Started is as:
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails server
However, when I dradis page at http://localhost:3000, it appears no theme is being applied. It looks static. This is the error I’m seeing in production log:
[2016-03-02T13:26:34.094515 #4880] INFO -- : Started GET "/javascripts/dradis/themes/snowcrash/manifests/application.js" for at 2016-03-02 13:26:34 -0500
F, [2016-03-02T13:26:34.096259 #4880] FATAL -- :
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/javascripts/dradis/themes/snowcrash/manifests/application.js"):
Snow crash is installed as part of dradis. Dradis is running from home directory but snowcrash is in /var/lib/gems.