(I wanted a demo, but thought it would be easiet to install the CE. been 10 years since I needed to touch a shell. and, I used to work on freebsd (still scheidell@freebsd.org fwds to my main email)…
I am going to replace Qualys VM and WAS. (which has great reports) with a combination of Nessus Pro/ OPenvas (which I worked on back when i was younger) and burp. I need to make sure i can produce quality reports, mainly, with the added benefit of the audit templates, corporation, and ability to distribute the reports to clients. I tried ‘the other’ report writing companies product 2 years ago, and wasn’t up to my expectations.
Now that I have the bash env working, and I run ./bin/setup. I get this: (but i would really like to see the demo since it is the commercial product I am interested in)
captain@scanner:~/dradis-ce$ ruby -v
ruby 2.7.0p0 (2019-12-25 revision 647ee6f091) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
captain@scanner:~/dradis-ce$ sudo ruby -v
ruby 2.7.0p0 (2019-12-25 revision 647ee6f091) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
Installing websocket-driver 0.7.5 with native extensions
Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
current directory:
/usr/bin/ruby2.7 -I /usr/lib/ruby/2.7.0 -r ./siteconf20220318-361008-ykwyh5.rb
mkmf.rb can’t find header files for ruby at /usr/lib/ruby/include/ruby.h
You might have to install separate package for the ruby development
environment, ruby-dev or ruby-devel for example.
extconf failed, exit code 1
Gem files will remain installed in
/home/captain/dradis-ce/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/RedCloth-4.3.2 for
Results logged to
An error occurred while installing RedCloth (4.3.2), and Bundler cannot
Make sure that gem install RedCloth -v '4.3.2' --source 'https://rubygems.org/'
succeeds before bundling.
In Gemfile:
dradis-html_export was resolved to 4.2.0, which depends on
Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
current directory:
/usr/bin/ruby2.7 -I /usr/lib/ruby/2.7.0 -r ./siteconf20220318-361008-11ros2i.rb
mkmf.rb can’t find header files for ruby at /usr/lib/ruby/include/ruby.h
You might have to install separate package for the ruby development
environment, ruby-dev or ruby-devel for example.
extconf failed, exit code 1
Gem files will remain installed in
/home/captain/dradis-ce/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/racc-1.6.0 for inspection.
Results logged to
An error occurred while installing racc (1.6.0), and Bundler cannot
Make sure that gem install racc -v '1.6.0' --source 'https://rubygems.org/'
succeeds before bundling.
In Gemfile:
dradis-html_export was resolved to 4.2.0, which depends on
rails_autolink was resolved to 1.1.6, which depends on
rails was resolved to, which depends on
actioncable was resolved to, which depends on
actionpack was resolved to, which depends on
actionview was resolved to, which depends on
rails-dom-testing was resolved to 2.0.3, which depends on
nokogiri was resolved to 1.13.2, which depends on
Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
current directory:
/usr/bin/ruby2.7 -I /usr/lib/ruby/2.7.0 -r ./siteconf20220318-361008-u766pp.rb
mkmf.rb can’t find header files for ruby at /usr/lib/ruby/include/ruby.h
You might have to install separate package for the ruby development
environment, ruby-dev or ruby-devel for example.
extconf failed, exit code 1
Gem files will remain installed in
/home/captain/dradis-ce/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/nio4r-2.5.8 for
Results logged to
An error occurred while installing nio4r (2.5.8), and Bundler cannot
Make sure that gem install nio4r -v '2.5.8' --source 'https://rubygems.org/'
succeeds before bundling.
In Gemfile:
dradis-html_export was resolved to 4.2.0, which depends on
rails_autolink was resolved to 1.1.6, which depends on
rails was resolved to, which depends on
actioncable was resolved to, which depends on
Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
current directory:
/usr/bin/ruby2.7 -I /usr/lib/ruby/2.7.0 -r ./siteconf20220318-361008-1odpo4p.rb
mkmf.rb can’t find header files for ruby at /usr/lib/ruby/include/ruby.h
You might have to install separate package for the ruby development
environment, ruby-dev or ruby-devel for example.
extconf failed, exit code 1
Gem files will remain installed in
/home/captain/dradis-ce/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/bcrypt-3.1.12 for
Results logged to
An error occurred while installing bcrypt (3.1.12), and Bundler cannot
Make sure that gem install bcrypt -v '3.1.12' --source 'https://rubygems.org/'
succeeds before bundling.
In Gemfile: