Attempting to run:
/opt/dradis-ce# RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec thor dradis
produces an error:
DEPRECATION WARNING: before_filter is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 5.1. Use before_action instead. (called from <top (required)> at /opt/dradis-ce/config/application.rb:16)
DEPRECATION WARNING: before_filter is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 5.1. Use before_action instead. (called from <top (required)> at /opt/dradis-ce/config/application.rb:16)
Loaded add-ons:
acunetix - Processes Acunetix XML format
api - Dradis REST HTTP API
brakeman - Processes Brakeman JSON output, use: brakeman -f json -o results.json
burp - Processes Burp Scanner XML output
csv - Export results in CSV format
WARNING: unable to load thorfile “/opt/dradis-ce/Thorfile”: undefined method thor_helper_module' for Dradis::Plugins:Module /opt/dradis-csv/lib/tasks/thorfile.rb:2:in
thor dradis:backup # creates a backup of your current repository
thor dradis:help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specifi…
thor dradis:logs:clean DAYS # delete all logs older than DAYS days (defa…
thor dradis:reset # resets your local dradis repository
thor dradis:reset:attachments # removes all attachments
thor dradis:reset:database # removes all data from a dradis repository,…
thor dradis:reset:logs # removes all log files
thor dradis:reset:password # Set a new shared password to access the we…
thor dradis:server # start dradis server
thor dradis:setup:configure # Creates the Dradis configuration files fro…
thor dradis:setup:migrate # ensures the database schema is up-to-date
thor dradis:setup:seed # adds initial values to the database (i.e.,…
thor dradis:version # displays the version of the dradis server
Logged as a ticket on github:
Hopefully someone can help troubleshoot this, thanks