Digital Ocean deployment fail


It seems impossible to deploy Dradis CE with Digital Ocean One clic Deploy.

here the last logs where it fail:

[2023-09-19 14:37:14] │ !
[2023-09-19 14:37:14] │ ! Precompiling assets failed.
[2023-09-19 14:37:14] │ ! Attempted to access a nonexistent database:
[2023-09-19 14:37:14] │ ! Heroku Postgres | Heroku Dev Center
[2023-09-19 14:37:14] │ !
[2023-09-19 14:37:14] │ ERROR: failed to build: exit status 1
[2023-09-19 14:37:14] │
[2023-09-19 14:37:14] │
[2023-09-19 14:37:14] │ For documentation on the buildpacks used to build your app, please see:
[2023-09-19 14:37:14] │
[2023-09-19 14:37:14] │ Ruby v1.244.3 /products/app-platform/reference/buildpacks/ruby/
[2023-09-19 14:37:14] │
[2023-09-19 14:37:14] │ ✘ build failed

Have you the same issues?

same for Heroku:

! Precompiling assets failed.
! Attempted to access a nonexistent database:
! Heroku Postgres | Heroku Dev Center
! Push rejected, failed to compile Ruby app.
! Push failed